August 22, 2011


Well, folks, it's been a while.

No, I wasn't wrapped up in some whirlwind romance...I was still cautiously dating and being mildly horrified at the results, but was mostly being bored to tears by the men I've been meeting. I figured I'd spare you the pain.

There were a few moments of hilarious failure, however:
I got yelled at on a date for not knowing the answer to the following question: "So, why can't my camera take pictures in the dark?" (It is important to note that I did, in fact, know the answer and articulated it quite succinctly without calling my date an idiot).

I met a 23 year old guy who walked with a cane. Except only sometimes. It had flames on it. Hey, man, it's okay if you need a cane, I can respect that. But, it appears that you think using one is cool. This is concerning. 

One time, the bill came after a reasonably uncomfortable meal (as much as I enjoy eating sushi while smelling some totally unacceptable B.O....). Dude grabs the check, shoves a few 20s into it, and waves it around to get the waitress' attention. She nicely says she'll be back with change, and he makes a scene about not needing any. Oh baby, am I impressed by your ability to cover a $25 meal with reckless abandon.

I'd like to say that I hope I can provide you with more entertaining posts going forward...but, I haven't reached that level of self-loathing quite yet.